Have you ever considered HOW YOU WANT TO FEEL WITHIN YOUR HOME and determine if your home’s environment is supporting that or not?

A few questions to dive into…
I want to feel _________________ within my home, how can I create this?
What is important for me to have inside my home for me to feel authentic and connected?
What colours inspire me?
How does my home currently make me feel?
Is my home a true reflection of me?
The question we all ask ourselves is where do we start? We want to start with that SPECIFIC FEELING that we want to create and surround ourselves with. This could be “relaxing”, “calm”, “creative”, “safe”, “protected”, or “inspired”.
The feelings of relaxation or calmness could be reflected outwards by bringing in blue, beige, wicker, or wood to ground the space, linen, soft simple patterns and subtle scents.
The feelings of safety and protection can be reflected in your environment by bringing in the necessary crystals that are intentionally placed to bring more safety and protected energy in. It could also mean creating a sacred space for you to go to every day. It could mean soft linens or making sure your bed is in the command position.
To create these feelings into reality, we want to look at all of the little tangible details that go into creating your story! The colours, textures, artwork, personal décor, patterns, furniture, and lighting. Take a look around your home and determine if it’s truly a reflection of who you are currently and who you are becoming! If not, then we need to start implementing these small steps that lead to large impacts!
Feeling- Purging-Organizing- Styling- Balancing- Cleansing- Harmonizing.
We also want to consider the layout throughout your home and how the energy is flowing throughout each space. Let’s start at your Entryway, as it’s the gateway to the rest of your home. It’s where people entering get a sense of what they are about to experience. We want this space to always be decluttered and tidy. It’s also the CAREER Gua in Feng Shui.
Each space holds a different type of energy, as shown in Feng Shui and harmonizing all of these spaces together allows us to feel more connected to ourselves and to our home.
We also want to consider balancing all 5 senses. Smell-Taste-Touch-Sight-Hear as this allows us to feel in harmony with our surroundings.

What smell would allow you to feel safe or happy/calm?
Is it a soy candle? Essential oils? Fresh flowers? Adding incense? Switching to non-toxic cleaning supplies?
Are dinner parties important to you? Gatherings?
What food are you bringing into your home?
Organic? Fresh local produce?
What fabrics and objects feel like a sense of calm, relaxing, inspiring, safe to you?
Linen-Cotton-Flax are NATURAL fabrics that hold a high frequency and allow for our auras to expand. Rough textures/smooth textures?
What do you want to see?
Plants? A space that looks like a spa? A space that looks like an art studio? A space that reminds you of your favourite vacation destination?
What do you want to hear?
Soft music, silence? Podcast? Nature?
Does it help regulate your nervous system?
Does it help you feel inspired/calm?
Does it help create more joy in your life?
If you need help finding inspiration to start the process, use your intuition and connect with your inner guide. Home books are a great way to understand what feeling you want to step into or creating a Pinterest board based on what jumps out to you and looking for similarities within that board you have created.
Till next time,